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How to wear silk shorts pyjamas this summer?

How to wear silk shorts pyjamas

It's officially leg-baring season, and the good news is there is still a heatwave incoming. Plus, this weekend pubs and bars, cafes and restaurants in England will be able to welcome customers again fo the first time since lockdown in March. So, in the spirit of all things sunny, we've taken a wardrobe staple, our organic peace silk cami shorts from the White Lotus Collection to conjure up some fashionable and effortless pull-on outfits this summer:

1. The Preppy Blouse

Three words that sum up preppy style: crisp, clean, and classy. Complete your look with either a pair of stylish mules or Mary Jane heels.

2. The White Shirt

There's nothing more essential than a button-down white shirt for a classic-chic look. Depending on where you are heading, style the look with everything from flats to statement heels and polished accessories to add an extra feminine touch.

3. The Blazer

For a more polished look, try out a button-down, a blazer, and loafers with your shorts this summer. Add a canvas shoulder bag to look more elegant and professional.

4, The T-shirt

Get either a casual or sporty look with wearing the right shoes, for example, wear a sleeveless t-short and pair them with white sneakers to look minimal and sporty, or wear a pair of grey ankle boots to look festival party-ready.

Explore the White Lotus Collection here.