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This aspect emphasises the importance of ethical labor practices and social equity within our fashion supply chain.


From farm to fashion, we aim for a 100% traceable, transparent supply chain, reduce waste and only collaborate with producers and manufacturers whose processes we have approved for their ethics and quality.

Manufacturing includes all steps from fabric to final garment: cutting, sewing, washing, pressing and packing. We have proudly partnered with a high-end, luxury clothing manufacturer who matched our brand ethics in East London and ethical manufacturer in Mumbai. Having access to the factory and ability to meet the team behind the production is essential to making every piece in the fair and most precise way possible.

Ethical Kind High-End Manufacturer, London


We focus on the fashion industry's positive impact on local communities, skills, and craftsmanship to sustain future generations' livelihoods by encouraging equality and diversity and empowering workforces throughout our supply chain.    

  Woman spinning peace silk yarn in India 


Fair Trade focuses on ensuring better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and equitable trade terms for farmers and workers in developing countries.  We source our raw materials directly from our mills, which support over 40 sericulture farmers and 50 weavers, along with their families, in the local villages of Jharkhand, India. By paying a premium price for their fibers and craftsmanship, we actively combat the injustices of conventional trade that often marginalise small producers.



Tussar silk cocoon by Ethical Kind



We support equal wages to its male and female staff members. Many higher posts are awarded to women in our production to promote gender equality and respect. It includes building separate toilets in the workplace and schools to ensure women and girls from the village can attend their place of work. 

Equal Opportunity with manager at the silk farm

Discover our craftsmanship